Squat Wedge - Pair - 30 Degree.

Lower Body Accessory

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Enhanced Squat Form for Maximum Performance.

Maximize your squat performance with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree from Phoenix Strength. These angled squat wedges are designed to improve your squat form, allowing you to target specific muscles more effectively and achieve optimal results. By providing a solid foundation and proper support, these wedges help maintain stability and alignment during your squats, reducing the risk of injury. With enhanced form, you can engage your muscles more efficiently and push yourself to new limits.

Whether you’re an experienced athlete looking to fine-tune your technique or a beginner starting on your fitness journey, the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree is suitable for all skill levels. By utilizing these wedges, you can enhance your range of motion and activate muscles that may have been underutilized in traditional squats. Experience improved balance, increased strength gains, and a more effective lower body workout.

Upgrade your squats with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree and take advantage of its benefits for maximum performance and improved results in your training sessions.


Targeted Muscle Engagement for Enhanced Performance.

Take your performance to the next level with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree from Phoenix Strength. These wedges are designed to provide targeted muscle engagement, allowing you to activate specific muscle groups during your squats. By adjusting the angle of your feet with these wedges, you can effectively target your glutes, quads, and hamstrings, maximizing the effectiveness of each repetition.

Whether you’re a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree is a valuable tool in your training arsenal. It allows you to tailor your workouts and focus on areas that require extra attention, helping you achieve better muscle definition and overall strength gains. With targeted muscle engagement, you can optimize your squat routine and elevate your performance to new heights.

Enhance your lower body workouts with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree and experience the benefits of improved muscle activation and enhanced performance. Unlock the full potential of your squats and take your fitness goals to new heights with this essential training accessory from Phoenix Strength.


Improved Stability and Injury Prevention.

Experience enhanced stability and reduce the risk of injury with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree from Phoenix Strength. These wedges provide a solid foundation for your squats, promoting proper alignment and balance throughout your movement. By creating a stable platform, they help you maintain control and prevent unnecessary strain on your joints. Whether you’re performing heavy squats or focusing on perfecting your form, these wedges contribute to a safer and more effective workout.

Designed with the target audience in mind, the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree is suitable for athletes of all levels and training facilities of various sizes. Gym owners can provide their clients with equipment that emphasizes safety and injury prevention. Personal trainers can ensure their clients perform exercises with proper form, minimizing the risk of accidents. By incorporating these wedges into your routine, you can optimize your squatting technique while prioritizing your well-being.

Invest in your safety and stability during workouts with the Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree. Upgrade your squatting experience and enjoy the confidence that comes with knowing you’re using equipment designed to support proper alignment and prevent injuries. Elevate your training sessions with reliable support from Phoenix Strength’s Squat Wedge – Pair – 30 Degree.
